The D’Evelyn Education Foundation is run by parent volunteers! Hundreds of volunteers are needed each year to host social events for our students, thank-you events for our teachers, and the fundraising events held by the foundation which are critical to supporting the needs of our students.
There are opportunities to fit every schedule and many interests. Please review the volunteer areas below and feel free to reach out with any questions. Do you have a new idea or an expertise that you can bring to the table? Please let us know!
Sign up to get involved: Volunteer Opportunities
There are opportunities to fit every schedule and many interests. Please review the volunteer areas below and feel free to reach out with any questions. Do you have a new idea or an expertise that you can bring to the table? Please let us know!
Sign up to get involved: Volunteer Opportunities
For the Students and Teachers |
Fundraising and Foundation Events |
Junior High Socials After Prom School Store Teacher Appreciation Week and Monthly Treats Parent/Teacher Conference Dinners Jag Tracks Editor |
The DASH The Dinner Auction |
Working Group |
Group Manager |
Volunteer Opportunities |
Junior High Social Club The Junior High Social Club was created to help build a sense of community amongst our Junior High Students. There are 4 primary socials for Junior High, as well as some after school get togethers. See the Junior High Social Committee page for more information. Bring food, help chaperone, coordinate activities, run game stations… most volunteer roles are one-time commitments, but if you’d like to help plan the social calendar, send us an email! |
Sign up here for next year's events! Volunteer List Back to School BBQ (Aug) Fall Social (Sept) Winter Social (Feb) 8th Grade Celebration (May) |
After Prom After Prom is a big party designed to give our kids a safe place to continue Prom celebrations after the dance. It is full of fun activities like swimming, bounce houses, casino rooms, food and much more! Décor and planning for the event start early in the spring, and day-of volunteers bring it all together in a matter of hours! Volunteer opportunities include creating themed décor, ticket sales, decorating the venue, bringing food, manning activities, clean-up and more. Most roles are one-time commitments of just a few hours! The kids LOVE this event and we need many hands to pull it off! |
Pre-event Coordination Sign up here for next year's events! Volunteer List Day-of Activities (Around 7pm, long after the kids leave for prom, activities include decoration, food delivery, casino dealers, cleanup and much more!) Signup for 2024 coming soon! |
School Store The School Store is your one-stop shop for Jag spirit wear! Work as little as one shift per month, or a one-time, remote store event. This is a great way to get to know our amazing students! The store is open Tuesday and Thursday each week from 11am-1:20pm and at some school events such as football/basketball games, registration, and welcome night. |
Emily Acosta |
Teacher Appreciation We love our teachers! Help out with a Monthly Teachers’ Treat by bringing a goodie and wrapping it up with a thoughtful presentation. Ideas provided, but if you have a famous dessert or you love Pinterest, this one’s for you! Parent Teacher Conference Dinner for Teachers Our teachers are busy on conference days!! Help them by bringing food items, setting up or cleaning up. A one-time commitment. Or, help out with Teacher Appreciation Week – a week-long series of amazing food and gifts coordinated just for our faculty and staff. This event is held the first week of May. Bring goodies, package surprise gifts, order catering, and more. One-time commitment. |
Monthly Teacher Treats Sign up here for next year's events! Volunteer List Conference Dinners Sign up here for next year's events! Volunteer List Teacher Appreciation Week Sign up! |
D'Evelyn DASH The D’Evelyn DASH is a 2k and 5k community race, along with a festival. It is a fun way to kick-off to the school year and it is also a fundraiser for the D’Evelyn Education Foundation. It’s for runners and non-runners alike! Help with event coordination or day-of activities. You can help gather permits, set the course signage, be a course marshal and more! Most volunteer roles are one-time commitments. See the Sign-up for details. |
Annual Dinner Auction The Annual Dinner Auction is the foundation’s largest fundraiser and is a great way to socialize with fellow parents, teachers, and staff. This event’s success is because of the incredible volunteers who put it together. This event is critical to raising funds for the year! We are hoping to make this year's auction all new! We need new ideas, new creativity and lots of hands! We've moved the event to the spring: likely the last Friday of Feb. or first week of March. |
Sign up here for next year's event! Volunteer List
Let us know! [email protected] |
Treasurer Provides oversight and management of the overall DEF budget. |
Website Management The D’Evelyn Education Foundation has a website where all DEF-related material is found. Keep the webpage current and relative. Lots of room for creativity! |